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Where Should Your Uterus Be at 21 Weeks

How high is the uterus at 21 weeks?

I'm very curious because i was told like right at my belly button, but for the past week ive been feeling and seeing his kicks about 3.5-4 inches above my belly button. This is my first pregnancy, is it "normal" for the kicks to be that high?

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Mom Answers (9)


It depends on your torso, too. I have a longer torso and my belly button is a little (a lot) lower than other women's. So, my uterus was higher than my belly button long before I hit 21 weeks. That's why they depend on the tape to measure vs a manual palpation only. As long as the tape measurement is good, don't sweat it.

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usually above the belly button and if the baby is upside down the kicks could definitely show up above

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All the books and things are giving tou information on a text book pregnancy and the first thing they tell you in healthcare is that very few things are ever textbook. It all depends on your body and your baby. The nurses in my doctor's office have been surprised every time they have looked for the heartbeat because my baby has been above my belly button since 12 weeks. The doctors haven't been concerned a bit by it. That's just where my peanut is comfortable.

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I would say my torso is about average, maybe he is just tall like his daddy

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Recent questions in Pregnancy Week by Week

I feel the same way too, I am 16+ and I some times feel the worm-like movement above my belly button, and then to the sides. mostly to the left hand Dr. says its am not worried.But I will be curious to know if this is normal, bcos I expect the baby to grow downward as the pregnancy advances. I also rely on other peoples experience

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you uterus IS like an egg lol i really like that analogy :) im almost 18weeks and my baby is a TON higher than my belly button. i can feel the baby moving very far to the right and about 3inches higher than my belly button. thats just where it wants to be i guess. the uterus grows whichever way the baby does and every pregnancy is different. my son liked to sit right at my belly button pretty much the whole time i was pregnant with him. dont sweat the position the baby is in right now, so long as everything works out when the time comes to push :)

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Popular questions in Pregnancy Week by Week

After 10 weeks your uterus should measure 1cm for each week you are. So if you are 21 weeks your uterus should measure 21 cm while laying flat on your back. With for most women is about an inch higher than your belly button. However you meausre from your pelvic bone, where the two bones meet in the middle.

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Your baby will actually grow upwards into your abdominal cavity as that's the way your uterus will grow. If you think about your uterus as an egg with the narrow part pointing downwards, your uterus will kind of be like that. The baby will have a tendency to hang out in the roomy part of your abdomen/pelvis until they get to be head down... then get ready for the rib kicks. In the meantime, kicks will vary in location until baby starts to really run out of room.

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Mine is a lil above my belly button. I'm 21 weeks and one day n those kicks i fill from her can't be mistaken there noticable in all my activities of the day and night.

a BabyCenter member

Answered 1/31/13

Where Should Your Uterus Be at 21 Weeks
