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How Easy is It to Get Laid on Tinder

How To Get Laid On Tinder

Looking to meet girls on Tinder for casual hookups?

Countless people use Tinder purely to find casual sex (or "friends with benefits")

You can do the same no matter how much you've struggled in the past.

I'm serious about this:

Follow our simple 8 steps and you'll learn how to get laid on Tinder.

And you'll be getting Tinder messages like this:

Meeting girls for sex on Tinder screenshot example

Also, be sure to check our article on how to hook up on Tinder…

It's written from a woman's perspective.

Which is useful.

Anyway, let's get into it:

  • 1 - Highlight Your Best Features With These 3 Tinder Photos

  • 2 - Spike Her Emotions With Our Bio Template

  • 3 - Don't Apologize For Wanting To Get Laid On Tinder (Here's Why)

  • 4 - Build Trust By Linking Your Tinder Profile To Your Instagram and Spotify

  • 5 - Send These 3 Flirtatious (But Not Sleazy) Tinder Openers

  • 6 - Screen Her For Interest To Avoid Wasting Time

  • 7 - Ask For Her Number (or IG) Quickly To Avoid Sending The Wrong Message

  • 8 - Set up the date ASAP

  • The Next Step

1 - Highlight Your Best Features With These 3 Tinder Photos

Most guys aren't willing to invest the time it takes to get great Tinder photos…

And if you want to get laid on Tinder...

Then this is a big mistake.

All you need are a few photos that...

  • Are high quality (resolution, lighting, style.)

  • And demonstrate attractive traits about you (looks, status, personality.)

A good quality Tinder profile picture

As you can see this photo is:

  • Clear

  • High quality

  • And makes him look fun to be around

Meanwhile, look at this one:

A low quality Tinder photo

This photo is:

  • Grainy

  • Low quality

  • And makes him look lower in social value

  • A selfie

So you need high-quality photos if you want to get laid on Tinder.

One that is not a Tinder selfie.

This shouldn't be news.

But what you might not know are the 3 types of photos you must have.

Here they are:

The model shot

First up we have your main profile picture.

This is the first impression a girl will get from you.

And if this photo sucks then it's the ONLY impression she'll get of you.

An attractive Tinder photo for men

But if it kills it, she will want to swipe right on you and you'll get laid.

Like the above example, a great main picture needs to...

  • Capture you in your best possible light

  • Be close up (showing your upper body and head)

  • Clearly show your face and eyes

  • And entice her to swipe right

Feel like you suck at taking attractive photos?

Yeah, well, you're not alone. I did too.

So either hire a photographer or learn to do it better.

Check out this video for how to nail a confident and attractive facial expression for your model pic.

The friends shot.

Showing you have cool friends is an essential ingredient for your Tinder profile.

At least in my opinion.

Girls don't want to meet a guy who's a loner and has no circle of friends.

Especially if she's using Tinder for hooking up.

Why? Because she knows nothing about you, and it could be dangerous for her.

When you're looking for casual hookups it's also a good idea to show that…

  • You have other people in your life

  • And they enjoy your company

A Tinder photo with a bunch of girls

Now you can score extra points if there are girls in your photos.

With one big caveat: it should not look try hard!

By having a picture with other girls you trigger social proof.

Meaning she will assume you're more attractive and fun to be around because other girls are enjoying your company.

  • Important note: It's not a great idea to have photos of you and only one other girl.

Why? This can seem like a current or ex-girlfriend pic (both are turn-offs for a new girl).

You won't (easily) be able to hook up on Tinder if you send the wrong information

You're much better off choosing a photo with 2 or more girls.

The body shot

If you're in good physical shape then you should show it off.

Common sense as to how to get laid on Tinder, right?

Well, here's the thing…

  • Even if you're not jacked you still need a body shot

  • Not showing your physique shows a lack of confidence

Don't worry you don't need to be shirtless.

The goal is just to have a flattering picture that shows what kind of shape you're in.

How to Get Laid on Tinder with a Great Bodyshot

He is in decent shape so she knows what she's "buying".

Trust me, you probably wouldn't swipe right on a girl if she was hiding her body in the photos.

So don' make the same mistake.

2 - Spike Her Emotions With Our Bio Template

A killer Tinder bio is going to help you set the tone for a fun and playful interaction.

It's also the secret ingredient for having girls message you first (which is what you want).

So if you want to learn how to get laid on Tinder...

Look at 3 effective copy-paste bios you can steal RIGHT NOW.

A Tinder bio for getting laid

  • Got some weird kinks like... I love X. Also super into Y. No kink-shaming, please!

Playful Tinder bio for getting laid

  • I like to lead. Message me your thoughts on being dominated… Respectfully. But not too respectfully… In 3 words only

A short Tinder bio for getting laid

uaranteed to be the best time of your life (emoji that suggests a date)

So what makes this work and how do you create your bio?

One thing that stands up with all these bios is that they show what you're looking for.

Girls on Tinder will know you're looking to get laid.

That information comes across clear - but not in a desperate way.

(Desperation is your #1 enemy when it comes to online dating.)

Here's a simple formula you can use to create your killer bio.

Keep it concise

The last thing you want is a boring bio.

This is especially true if you're looking for a short term hook up or one-night-stand.

So your best bet is limiting your bio to 40 - 50 words.

You want to make it short, punchy, and impossible to ignore.

There are exceptions and you can break these "rules" by the way...

(For everything here.)

Casually seed the date

Mentioning the idea of meeting up in your bio does 2 things…

  • It filters out girls that aren't interested in meeting IRL

  • And it lets her know that you're likely to ask her out quickly (if you like her)

So this is a great way to set the right frame for a casual hook up.

The key here is to mention the date in a playful (non-sleazy) way.

For example:

"Just finished my master's degree. Beer needed. Open tab on you to celebrate?"

This works because it's playful AND it prompts her to message you first.

So she has a perfect opportunity to message you first with something like…

"Hmmm only if you pick me up in a purple stretch hummer".

Spike her emotions

Ready for the Tinder bio secret ingredient?

You want your bio to give her an emotional high.

Attraction is an EMOTIONAL game, not a logical one.

And this is especially true when it comes to one night stands and hookups!

This isn't just about how to get laid on Tinder, by the way...

It's sort of the core philosophy of all online dating.

So how can you make your bio spike her emotions?

There's a ton of ways…

  • Use a little humor and make her laugh...

E.g. "I need trust and connection. I'm not (just) your sex toy missy"

  • State your standards...

E.g. "If you're adventurous with a dark sense of humor hit me up"

  • Ask a provocative question…

E.g. "Shrek, Yoda, Kermit the frog. Who would you slap tickle, rub?"

Following these steps, you should be able to...

  • Create a great bio that spikes her emotions

  • And prompts her to message you first

But there are a few key mistakes to avoid with your bio...

  • Don't play it too safe

  • Don't be boring or long-winded

  • And don't try to paint yourself as boyfriend material

Just have fun with it.

Remember… Short term hookups are about shared positive experiences!

3 - Don't Apologize For Wanting To Get Laid On Tinder (Here's Why)

Feel guilty about wanting only casual hookups on Tinder?

Think you should hide your real intentions?


  • It's more effective to be upfront.

  • More women than you'd expect are looking for the same thing.

If you pretend to want a serious relationship to get laid you WILL get burned.

Don't do that.

Instead, own what you want and go after it.

In fact, only 4.16% of millennials on Tinder are looking for a serious relationship.

So it's not just you that's looking to find a fling.

She likely is too.

Oh, and be sure to avoid these 3 deadly Tinder profile mistakes, too.

Linking your socials can help you build attraction and trust.

  • You can demonstrate your social life

  • You can demonstrate your fun lifestyle

  • You can demonstrate your most impressive skills and traits

  • And you can post stories having fun with other girls

But here's the best part…

You can do all of this without seeming like you're trying to impress her.

That way you can build rapport and connections on Tinder without actively working.

Posting high-value photos of yourself on your Instagram makes you look great.

Sending those same photos to a girl?


What If Your Instagram Sucks?

You definitely don't want to add girls on Instagram if…

  • It's full of grainy pics of you and your cat Simon

  • You only have 6 high school friends following you

Does that mean you need the best IG in the world? NO.

Does that mean you need thousands of followers? NO.

So long as you have…

  • Around 100 followers or more

  • And you have content that demonstrates high social value

You're good.

Let's look at some tips for getting amazing IG content.

The "1000 pics trick"

Ask a friend to take 1000 photos of you in some interesting locations…

Yes, 1000.

Then you can swipe through them and pick the best 3 - 5.

Super simple... but it works like a charm.

The reason is 1,000 photos will only take you an hour or so.

And statistically, you've got a great chance that 1 out of 1,000 will be a solid photo.

Marc from Zirby Tinder Photo

For example, this photo was taken by a friend who is a terrible photographer, with my camera.

It took a LOT of time to get this one photo.

But it's worth it.

(By the way, this is one of literally hundreds of techniques my friend Jesse put together in his course.

It's called endless options.

I highly suggest you check it out -- or if nothing else - watch the free video.

He goes over emotional highs, the signal to noise ratio, and a 76% success rate opening line.

You'll learn how to get laid on Tinder in serious detail.

Especially if you learn better from watching a video than reading.)

The "first two rows" rule

Spending all your time posting new IG pics every day is not required.

Instead, make sure the top 2 rows of photos are awesome.

That's all you need to do to start getting great results.

Obviously, if you have any super weird or awkward photos below that you should probably just delete (or archive) those.

But just focus on having 2 great rows of photos.

Here are some photo ideas…

  • Your best dating app pics

  • Interesting social pics (where everyone's having fun)

  • Pics of you "candidly" caught laughing

  • You doing things you're passionate about

  • Travel and adventure pics

Now let's look at a few examples of online dating optimized IG accounts…

An attractive male Instagram example for Online Dating

Another attractive Instagram example

As you can see these profiles both have…

  • Two rows of great pics

  • That demonstrates fun AND social value

There's a lot less pressure when you know you just need 18 photos and can basically stop forever.

5 - Send These 3 Flirtatious (But Not Sleazy) Tinder Openers

OK, now it's time to start messaging your matches.

Getting off on the right foot is essential.

Here are 3 awesome Tinder openers you can start using right now:

Tinder opener for getting laid

Swiped right for your sexy smile. But are you adventurous?

Another Tinder opener for getting laid

  • Swiped right for a sexy chicken pic. But are you adventurous?

Simple right?

But it works…

This opener demonstrates that you find her attractive.

And it's also a little challenging… showing you have standards.

All you need to do is swap out "sexy chicken pic" for anything funny or sexy in her profile.

Risky Tinder opener for getting laid

  • Thoughts on being choked? In a respectful way…. But not too respectful.

This one is super direct.

But it can work because it's a little playful

It's a high risk, high reward… so be selective about the girls you send it to.

Playful Tinder opener

11/10 would go to brunch with you the morning after

This is one direct and playful.

It suggests what you're looking for without being sleazy about it.

Why these Openers work

Why do these messages work so well?

Here's why…

  • They're confident and upfront

  • They're playful and flirtatious

  • And they're not SLEAZY or BORING

It's also important to make sure your opening message aligns with the persona your profile has set.

E.g. Try not to be super serious if your profile is goofy and playful.

The goal of your Tinder opener should be to...

  • Get on her radar

  • Set a playful and flirtatious frame

  • And build comfort quickly

All while avoiding being creepy, awkward, or weird.

6 - Screen Her For Interest To Avoid Wasting Time

One of the keys to getting laid on Tinder is avoiding wasting time.

If things aren't working out for you it's probably because:

  • Your profile needs work

  • You don't know how to move things forward

  • Or you suck at screening

Make sure you're not doing any of these.

So what exactly is screening?

It's the ability to quickly…

  • Gauge a girl's interest in you

  • And determine whether she is looking for the same thing as you

Too many guys spend days messaging a girl only to find out she isn't interested in meeting up for a date!

Or she's looking for a serious relationship and has ZERO interest in a one night stand.

When that happens time and time again it can leave you frustrated and confused.

And then they google stuff like "how does Tinder work?"

Well, not like that, bucko.

So what's the key to effective screening?

Clarity & Low Key

Tinder message screenshot to show intent

As you can see in this example…

  • His intentions are CLEAR

  • And he's communicating in a LOW-KEY way

An attractive guy who knows what he wants doesn't have time for playing games.

He's direct, open, and unapologetic about what he's looking for.

Show your intentions EARLY.

How early?

Literally in your profile and in your opening message.

This way girls who aren't interested won't respond (saving you a TON of time).

This allows you to focus your time and energy on girls…

  • That is interested in you

  • And share your desire for a short term hook up

7 - Ask For Her Number (or IG) Quickly To Avoid Sending The Wrong Message

Tinder number close example

Just like you want to show your intentions upfront…

You also want to move things quickly...

This reinforces that you're not looking for anything serious.

And it prevents you from wasting time.

While you can ask her out directly from Tinder…

It can help to move off the platform first.

Another Tinder number close

You can see this was the first message and she was already down to exchange numbers.

Most guys wait for WAY too long messaging back and forth on Tinder.

It's completely unnecessary.

Especially if you're looking for casual sex.

So which is better… texting or Instagram?

If you have a decent Instagram or Snapchat…

Your best move is adding her there instead of asking for her number.

The benefits of Snap and IG are:

  • It will allow you to build trust and attraction before the date

  • And she will see you as a real person instead of "some Tinder dude"

If you're not a fan of social media… that's fine.

Asking for her number is fine as well.

For casual sex, you want to move off Tinder in the first 1 - 5 messages.

8 - Set up the date ASAP

At this point (if you've followed the steps above)...

It should be obvious that you're both looking for something casual.

So when should you ask her to meet up?

Setting up a date from Tinder

As soon as possible!

There's no such thing as too soon.

Fast versus rushed

Real quick, I just need to cover something important:

The idea here isn't to rush getting her number or rush getting a date.

It shouldn't feel rushed or desperate.

But it should feel snappy, brisk, and on pace.

Here's why:

  • You both don't know each other.


  • You can't get to know someone over text messages or Tinder.

So to be respectful of her, and of yourself, you need to meet for the date and see if there's a connection.

It's just not going to happen from back and forth messaging.

This isn't just about how to get laid on Tinder...

But also about how to meet a girlfriend or something more.

Either way, you need to meet fast.

The same day if it works logistically.

There are 2 simple steps you'll want to follow...

Seed the date right away.

Referencing the first date in your profile AND early in your conversation is a killer combination.

Assuming you've done that… all that's left to do is ask.

Suggest something low-key and fun.

Ok, this is the part that's deceptively EASY but somehow still trips up most guys.

You have 2 options…

  • Movie or home-cooked meal at your place

  • Or a drink or coffee near your place

Take your pick and simply suggest it…

While there are neighborhood days you could ask… let's keep it simple.

It's as easy as "Thoughts on X?"

Tinder date close example for hookup

  • "Thoughts on drinks and witty banter with a cute boy?"

  • "Thoughts on a tasty home-cooked meal tomorrow? I'm dying to try a new recipe"

  • "Thoughts on a tasty adult beverage at the best bar in my neighborhood?"

The Next Step

If you've been on Tinder for a while I think you'll agree that getting more matches can be frustrating.

It takes a lot of time and effort to create new photos and write a new solid bio.

But if you want some quick easy results, the best thing you can do is edit the photos you already have.

I put together a free video below for you (where it says "watch now" in yellow.)

This video will give you my actual techniques for editing your dating app phones.

These are the same techniques I use for my clients for my professional photography services.

The best part is you can do everything on the video right on your phone.

Tinder Photo Editing Trick

More Tinder Conversations Advice:

Marc Falzon

Marc is the founder of Zirby: the Tinder advice blog with millions of readers a year. Uncover your inner confidence and experience a fulfilling dating life. Follow Marc on YouTube or Instagram.
