Did you know y'all could schedule your Instagram posts in advance? Or optimize your bio to announced in the Explore tab?

There are countless lesser-known Instagram features, settings, hacks, and search options to help take your Instagram game to the next level. And we've compiled them all, here.

Whether y'all're a recruiter looking to showcase your company'southward civilisation, a marketer in the eastward-commerce industry, or an private who'south simply looking to employ Instagram in the best ways possible, there are Instagram tips and features here for you.

*Bonus Content* Click here to unlock 20 powerful strategies & hacks for  increasing Instagram engagement.

Note: Before getting started, make sure you lot're operating on the latest version of Instagram. At the time of publishing this guide, the latest version is 15.one.one on iOS and on Android. Delight as well annotation that although this commodity might demonstrate each tip beneath using an iPhone or Android device, all items on this list are bachelor for both operating systems and can exist enjoyed using the aforementioned pace-by-step instructions.

Table of Contents:

  • Instagram Account Features
  • Instagram Design Features
  • Instagram Optimization Features
  • Instagram Stories Features
  • Instagram User Preferences Features
  • Instagram User Search Features

31 Hidden Instagram Hacks, Tips, and Features

Instagram Business relationship Features

1. Add and manage multiple accounts from the aforementioned device.

Take a separate account for your dog? Don't be embarrassed; stand by your puppy profile. In fact, whether it's a pet account or a business account, you tin can add and manage this one right aslope your personal account.

Here's how:

  1. From your profile, tap the gear icon. To discover this icon on an Android device, y'all'll first need to tap the three horizontal lines to the top right of your screen.
  2. Scroll to the very lesser and tap "Add Account."
  3. Add your other account by username and countersign, and you lot're all set up.

To toggle between both profiles, concord down your contour picture in the navigation bar to view all continued accounts. You can also switch to a different account through the Settings page mentioned earlier. See what this screen looks similar in the next Instagram feature, below.

two. See all the posts you've liked.

Ever wanted to run across the posts yous've Liked, all in one place? All you lot take to do is go to your own profile and click the "Settings" push button in the meridian right — a gear icon on iPhone/iPad, and three dots on Android — then, click "Account", and finally "Posts Y'all've Liked."

someone's instagram settings to click account to find out posts you've liked someone's instagram settings to click account to find out posts you've liked

To un-Like any of the posts you lot've Liked, only go to the mail service and deselect the "centre" icon beneath information technology. Don't worry — the user won't be notified that you've united nations-Liked the post.

3. Hide, delete, or disable comments on your posts.

Twitter may carry a more than "annihilation goes" culture of commentary, simply your Instagram is your domain — and information technology's much easier to control who says what on your content. This is peculiarly important if y'all manage a business business relationship.

To Filter Comments by Keyword:

In the Instagram mobile app, navigate to "Options" and select "Comments." From here, you can toggle on "Hide Inappropriate Comments" and even enter specific keywords yous'd like the app to police inside each comment.

To Delete Comments:

Tap the speech bubble icon below the comment you lot'd similar to delete, and swipe lightly to the left over this text. Select the garbage can icon that appears to delete this post. You can also exercise this to your ain comments.

To Disable Comments Entirely:

To clarify, you tin can't plough off comments across your entire contour; you can only disable them for individual posts.

To practice so, starting time posting an image on which you'd similar nobody to annotate. When you reach the page to add a caption, tags, and location, tap "Advanced Settings" at the very lesser. This will open a screen where y'all can easily switch on an selection labeled "Plow Off Commenting."

iv. Clear your Instagram search history.

We swear — this blog postal service isn't all almost how to convince people yous're non an Instagram creeper. But many of us tin can relate to the want to articulate our online search history everywhere, including on this item social channel. Luckily, you lot tin.

To clear your Instagram search history, go to your own contour and click the "Settings" button (a gear icon on iPhone/iPad and iii dots on Android). Roll down and click "Security":

showing in settings how to clear instagram search history

Then, select "Clear Search History" at bottom of the screen, and then confirm past clicking the bluish link, "Clear Search History".

showing in settings how to clear instagram search history

five. Add together another Instagram account to your bio.

Perhaps your company has more than ane Instagram account for different aspects of your brand. For instance, HubSpot has a verified HubSpot account, a HubSpot Life account, a HubSpot Academy account, and a HubSpot Partners account.

To draw sensation back to its main company page, then, HubSpot links to the @HubSpot business relationship in its other business relationship bios, like in @HubSpotLife's account:

add another account to instagram bio

Fortunately, you have the selection to include another Instagram business relationship in your Instagram bio. To do then, simply type the "@" sign into your Bio, and and so select the account yous'd similar to tag. Then, click "Done".


Instagram Design Features

6. Add special fonts to your bio.

Here's an Instagram bio hack that can truly make your profile stand out. You can already add emojis to the bio beneath your profile photograph, but your keyboard limits your creativity right in that location.

Using a couple of bones third-political party websites, you can re-create over some more special fonts not often institute in the Instagram community. Here's how.

To Add a Special Font to Your Bio via Mobile:

Add a new font to your Instagram bio via your mobile device using a website similar LingoJam. Open the site on your phone, blazon your desired bio text in the lefthand text box, and you'll see the same bio text in different typefaces appear on the right.

how to add special font to bio with a tool like lingojam

Acquit your chosen font over to your Instagram bio by borer it and selecting "Copy." Then, open up your Instagram app, navigate to your profile, select "Edit Profile," tap the "Bio" section and paste your chosen font into the empty field.

To Add a Special Font to Your Bio on Desktop:

If y'all're editing your Instagram profile on your laptop or desktop, Font Space has a library of fonts you tin download and copy into your bio in seconds. To practice and so, Notice a font you lot like and select "Download" beneath the font's sample image, as shown below.

cursive font of someone's name

Downloading this font will open up a folder on your desktop where yous can pull a ".ttf" file that carries the diverse versions of this font. The file will wait something like the screenshot below.

copying special font to paste it into instagram

In one case you have this font copied to your computer's clipboard, open your cyberspace browser and log onto Instagram.com. Select "Edit Contour" and paste your downloaded font into your bio field. You can and so edit the sample text that came with your font to write your new bio every bit you come across fit.

vii. Add special characters to your bio.

Non only can yous customize your bio with a special font, but you tin can too add atypical characters that distinguish you or your brand — but that you wouldn't detect on your smartphone's normal keyboard. These include §, †, or even ™ if your Instagram name features a trademarked production name.

To Add Special Characters From Mobile

Using your mobile device, install a gratuitous mobile app similarGrapheme Pad, which catalogs nearly every grapheme and symbol yous might demand but won't detect in the 26-letter of the alphabet English alphabet.

Open the app and find the character y'all want to add to your Instagram bio. In Character Pad, you'll simply double-tap the picture of your called symbol to paste it into a text box, as shown below. Then, copy this character to your phone's clipboard. (For our purposes, I double-tapped the one-half moon icon.)

special charactersOnce yous accept your symbol copied to your clipboard, open up Instagram, navigate to your bio, and tap "Edit Contour."
edit profile-1Hold down your finger on the field of your bio yous want to insert your special character until "Paste" appears as an option, every bit shown below. Tap "Paste" and so "Done" you lot'll be all set.

welcome to my page

To Add together Special Characters From a PC

Y'all can besides insert special characters and symbols through Instagram's spider web client on a desktop or laptop calculator. The easiest manner is to apply Microsoft Discussion'south "Symbol" insertion icon, equally shown beneath.


Select your desired symbol or character and copy it to your estimator'south clipboard. Then, navigate to Instagram.com and follow the steps above to paste your graphic symbol into a particular part of your bio.

Y'all might be tempted to but Google search the special character you want, and at times it might piece of work just too as the steps to a higher place. But go on in mind not all special characters yous re-create from the internet are "clean" when you lot paste them into Instagram — some of them might get corrupted or not show up correctly.

8. Reorder filters to prepare your favorite filters at the front.

If you lot employ Instagram a lot, chances are, you have a few favorite go-to filters, and others you never touch. To make editing photos easier, you can reorder the filters in your editing window.

To reorder filters, add a new post and begin editing it. When you get to the filters page, concur down on a filter yous'd like to movement, and then drag it to your preferred location.

reorder instagram filters

9. Use Instagram as a photograph editor (without having to post annihilation).

Perhaps yous dear Instagram'south filters and editing capabilities, but aren't quite ready to postal service the photo to your account — right at present, or always. To utilize Instagram equally a photo editor without posting annihilation, all you need to do is publish a picture while your phone is on airplane mode.

First, exist sure you have "Salve Original Photo" turned on in your Instagram settings.


Then, turn on airplane mode — see instructions in #5.

Next, follow the normal steps to mail a photo to Instagram: Upload the photo, edit information technology, and printing "Share." An fault message will appear saying the upload failed, just you lot'll be able to observe the edited prototype in your phone's photo gallery.

use ig as photo editor

10. Insert line breaks into your bio and captions.

When yous write a caption in Instagram, y'all'll see the keyboard doesn't give you an choice to printing "Enter" or "Return." The same is true for your bio. So how do all those people put line breaks in there?

No return key.png

It turns out that all you have to exercise is press the "123" key in the bottom lefthand corner of the keyboard, and the "Return" key will appear on the bottom right.

Return key.png

I know this tip sounds simple, but a lot of people miss it — myself included, until a colleague clued me in. We've seen some elaborate solutions out in that location for hacking through this problem, like writing the explanation re-create in another app, then copying and pasting information technology into Instagram. Thankfully, it's much simpler than that.

Instagram Optimization Features

xi. Optimize your Instagram bio to appear in the Explore tab.

Your friends, family, and coworkers might exist your first group of Instagram followers, but growing your audience takes more than than the people who already know you. One key way to do this is to get your contour to appear in Instagram's Explore page.

explore tabThe Explore page, attainable using the magnifying drinking glass icon shown higher up, is a browsing page that sorts the entire Instagram customs by topic and keyword. These include "Fitness," "Style," "Science," and more.

Hashtagging your posts with these words tin can betrayal your content to the people browsing these topics, only you can also employ them in your Instagram proper name and bio to promote your profile.

If Jane Doe is a marketing consultant, for example, she might want to make her Instagram proper name "Jane Doe Marketing," rather than merely "Jane Doe." Then, in her bio, she can include all of her specialties, such equally "SEO," "blogging," "e-mail marketing," etc.

12. Drive traffic to an external website.

I of the biggest frustrations people accept with marketing on Instagram is that clickable URLs aren't allowed anywhere except the single "website" box in your bio. If you put a URL in a photo caption it'll appear as plain text, pregnant users would accept to painstakingly re-create the URL, open a web browser, and paste or type it in there.

One sneaky way to get people to visit your Instagram profile, which is where that one clickable URL is allowed, is to utilise your photo captions to encourage people to visit your profile for a link. Then, update that URL ofttimes to point to your latest blog content, YouTube video, product, or offer.

Cheque out the case from nutrient magazine Bon Appétit beneath. This photo's caption provides a text call-to-action to visit the user'due south profile then you lot can click the link related to the postal service.

Then, in Bon Appétit's profile, you'll see the link itself. Update this link frequently to point to your latest content or offer.

add link to bioPlus, if you lot have a verified Instagram account, you can also add links to your Story. Read more than most this feature here.

13. Sell products from Instagram using Shoppable Posts.

Yous might already know you can tag people in your Instagram posts as (or afterwards) you post new content. Now, you can tag products — and direct your viewers to a product folio to buy what they saw.

To Add an Instagram Concern Account

You'll need an Instagram Business account to publish shoppable posts. You can go one by selecting "Edit Contour" on your Instagram profile and tapping "Try Instagram Business organization Tools," as shown below.

switch to professional account button on instagram

To Tag a Post With Products

Once you lot've launched an Instagram Business account, you'll need to enable product tags to use them on a post that depicts a product. Navigate to your settings using the gear icon from your contour page, and select "Products." Tap "Continue" and follow the prompts to connect a "product itemize" to your business profile.

With production tags enabled on your Instagram Business account, you tin can now upload new posts and tag your photo with products you notice from your production catalog. Here's what a shoppable post tin can await similar:

instagram-shoppable-post Epitome via Instagram

14. Create an auto-complete quick reply for standard responses.

Responding to user comments and questions is incredibly timely, only fortunately, there's a hack to streamline the process and make it more efficient. (Note: This simply works on Instagram Business accounts.)

Y'all tin can simply create a one-to-two word phrase that can act as your shortcut to a longer standard response yous might send often. To do this, click "Business" in your Settings, so "Quick Replies" — or, click the three-dot chat bubble icon on bottom of screen, then click "New Quick Reply".

Add a shortcut you tin can enter for the response. For case, you might type "returnpolicy" as the shortcut for a longer response, i.e.: "Hey there. We're sorry you don't honey your purchase. Fortunately, we permit 30-day returns, no questions asked. Please send us your order confirmation number to go the procedure started."

Once you've added a shortcut, you can either type the shortcut "returnpolicy" into the comment box when you lot want it to auto-generate, or you tin can tap the 3-dot chat Quick Replies chimera icon at the bottom of your screen to choose from a response you lot've created. (Read more about Quick Replies here.)


Epitome Source

15. Pin your Instagram mail service to Pinterest.

Instagram doesn't have a natural integration with many social networks (except Facebook, its parent company) for publishing Instagram posts to other social accounts.

But with respect to Pinterest, paradigm-loving platforms stick together. Here's a backdoor mode to Pin your latest Instagram Story to Pinterest:

On the Instagram mobile app, tap a mail service to view it in full, then tap the 3 dots to the height-correct of the image. Select "Copy Share URL" to attach the picture show's link to your clipboard.

copy an instagram post's link

Open the Pinterest mobile app — or download information technology; you'll need it for this step — and navigate to your profile page. If you have the latest version of Pinterest downloaded, it might enquire you as soon as yous open the app if you'd like to produce the image from your clipboard.

If non, select the "+" icon to the top right to add a new pin, and yous'll meet a menu of options where you lot can add your "Copied Link" to a new Pin or board on your contour.

Instagram Stories Features

16. Create a drove of saved posts.

In addition to being able to view all of the posts you've liked, Instagram also has an option to save or bookmark sure posts in collections that you lot create.

Start by going to your profile, and tapping the "Settings" icon at the pinnacle-correct of your screen, and then select "Saved":

someone's instagram settings to find saved posts

Next, press the "+" push button and proper noun your new Collection. someone's instagram settings to find saved posts

Click "Next", and select images from your "Saved" section.

someone's instagram settings to find saved posts

To salvage photos for time to come collections, tap the bookmark icon below the post you desire to add, as shown beneath:

save for future collectionsThen, go back to your saved photos by following the previous steps.

You'll run into the photos you've saved — to add them to your Collection, select the Collection you want to add to, and tap "Add to Collection." From at that place, y'all tin add whatever of your saved photos.

add to new instagram collection

17. Create Stories Highlights to show Stories for longer than a day.

Like in Snapchat, posts to your story just stick around for your followers to see for 24 hours. But sometimes, you have a story that deserves more daylight to be told.

That's where Stories Highlights comes in, a feature by Instagram that allows you lot to save stories together in the same space on your profile page. If you lot ever wondered what that "New" push with the "+" icon was below your profile prototype, this explains it.

To brand a Stories Highlight, tap this New choice and select any number of past stories in your album:

create stories highlights

Image via Instagram

And then, give it a cover photo and a proper noun to brandish as its ain Instagram Story on your profile page. You can remove Stories Highlights at whatsoever time by borer and holding down this story.

18. Reorder Instagram Stories highlights.

The Highlights on your Instagram feed human action every bit your make'south portfolio — yous can use Highlights to demonstrate your company's values, showcase new products or services, or categorize various topics you post nigh frequently.

For example, The North Face up uses its Highlights department to highlight various initiatives that are important to the brand, including a section labelled "VOTE", "Global Climbing Twenty-four hour period 2020" and "Summer Basecamp":

change order instagram highlightsSince a user can only meet the commencement four highlights when they first come up across your feed, you'll desire to ensure your first highlights are the ones you're most proud of. To do this, simply follow this fox:

1. Concord downwardly the highlight y'all'd like moved to the front end of this list and click "Edit Highlight" when the slide-upwardly appears.

editing a highlight on instagram

2. Next, discover an image or video you'd like to add to the highlight. (Don't worry — you'll be able to delete this within 30 seconds, so y'all don't need to choose ane that volition stay on the highlight.)

edit highlight3. Click "Washed" in the top correct corner.

4. Now, your Highlight will be first in the listing. To remove the epitome or video you just added, follow the higher up instructions and simply united nations-check the image yous added. Your highlight volition remain at the showtime of the Highlight reel.

xix. Change your Instagram Highlights Icon without publishing it to your feed.

The image you lot choose for each Highlight should accurately depict what type of content users can await to run across if they tap the Highlight, so you'll desire to choose a compelling, engaging prototype.

However, if you have a design, logo, or image you'd like to use that isn't in your Instagram feed, information technology's withal possible to brand information technology the Highlight Icon.

To exercise this, click "Edit Highlight" (same every bit the step to a higher place):

clicking on edit highlight button on instagramAdjacent, click "Edit Cover". Scroll through your camera roll to find an prototype you similar.

edit highlight cover photo

new photo for highlightOnce you choose an image from your camera roll, click "Washed". Your Highlight cover prototype is at present an image y'all've never posted on your Instagram business relationship:

new image for highlights

xx. Schedule posts in advance.

Instagram being a mobile app, you lot're probably in a routine of taking photos and posting them to your Instagram Story on the fly. Merely, yous can as well pre-mail service them from your reckoner for a prepare day and time in the future.

This feature is bachelor with a social media scheduling tool, also every bit HubSpot if y'all have an Instagram business account. If you accept this business concern profile, switch to it via the Instagram mobile app and follow the prompts to connect it to Facebook.

how to switch to instagram professional account

Depending on the social scheduling tool y'all use, you might not include this step. One time you've toggled to the correct business relationship, however, you'll launch your scheduling tool, navigate to your current continued profiles, and see Instagram every bit an bachelor integration.

21. Apply 'Type Way' to enhance your Instagram Stories.

Instagram Stories is a feature of Instagram that allows you to post ephemeral photos that show up separately from your profile and only last 24 hours. It's a great role for helping like-minded users discover your profile on Instagram's homepage.

Merely since its beginning, Stories take get quite creative, and it takes more a pretty filter to stand up out to your audition. Enter "Type Mode," an option similar to Snapchat that gives you the ability to explanation Stories that need extra context to resonate with someone. Here's how to utilise it:

1. Open Instagram Stories by swiping right from your Instagram feed. This will launch your smartphone photographic camera. Then, accept a photo or video and press the "Aa" icon to the acme-correct of your screen, as shown beneath:

the text button on an instagram story to add text

This "Aa" icon will open up Type Style, where you have five fonts to choose from: Modern, Neon, Typewriter, Potent, and Classic. Here'south what a sample Story looks like with Modern font:

adding text to instagram story

22. Mail service content from other users to your Instagram Story.

Although Instagram Stories are a great way to requite your content exposure on your followers' homepages, you might not always have something Story-worthy. In those times, you lot can share an inspiring post from someone else through your Instagram Stories. Hither's how:

ane. Find a mail you want to share in your Instagram Stories and tap the paper airplane icon, as shown below.

post content from other users

Instagram Business relationship: @Freddysusa

This icon will open a screen assuasive you to send this post to specific followers, or add to your Story. Tap the latter option, as shown below.

adding someone's post to my instagram story

Tapping this option will automatically turn the post into an Instagram Story, which you tin edit and design to your liking the same way y'all would any other Instagram Story.

Instagram User Preferences Features

23. Go notifications when your favorite people mail service.

Never want to miss an Instagram post from your favorite influencers again? You can choose to get a notification every time a specific user posts a new photo. All you have to do is plough on notifications for each user individually.

To turn on these notifications, visit a user's profile, click the three dots in the upper right-mitt corner of the postal service, click "Notifications" from the card, and finally toggle on notifications for either posts or stories from the bill of fare that appears.

Get notifications when your favorite people post someone's instagram account to get notifications when influencers post someone's instagram account to get notifications when influencers post Instagram Account: Jen Reed @thesisterstudioig

Want to plough post notifications off? Merely follow the same steps. It's of import to notation that you must enable notifications from the Instagram app in your phone's settings — here's how.

  • To allow notifications on iPhone/iPad: Go to "Settings," so "Notifications." Choose "Instagram" so plow on the setting to "Allow Notifications."
  • To allow notifications on Android: Become to "Settings," and then choose "Apps," and then "Instagram." Select the option to show notifications.

24. Hide Photos You've Been Tagged In

When someone tags you in a photo or video on Instagram, it's automatically added to your profile nether "Photos of You lot," unless you opt to add together tagged photos manually (see the next tip).

To encounter the posts y'all've been tagged in, go to your own profile and click the person icon below your bio.

see photos youve been tagged inNext, click on an private postal service (whatsoever in the group of tagged photos) and click "Edit" in the elevation right. Then, click "Manually Approve Tags":

click manually approve tags to hide photos you're tagged in

Then, to hibernate the posts you lot've been tagged in from other users, select the posts you lot'd like to remove from your contour, and when you're done, tap "Hide Photos" at the lesser of your screen. When prompted, tap "Hide From Profile."

hide from profile

This won't remove the posts themselves from Instagram, merely it volition remove them from your contour, so you and others tin't access them.

25. Arrange your settings to approve tagged photos earlier they show up in your contour.

As we mentioned in the previous footstep, when someone tags a photo or video of you on Instagram, it's usually added to your contour automatically. But, you tin can change your Instagram settings to enable manually selecting which photos you're tagged in that show upwards on your profile.

To add together tags manually, follow the same steps higher up to go to the photos in which you've been tagged, and click "Edit" at the peak right of your screen. Tap "Tagging Options," and select "Add Manually."

approve tagged photos ahead of time

Y'all'll still be notified when someone tags you in a photo. In one case that happens, to manually add together a tagged photograph to your profile, tap the photo you lot were tagged in, then tap your username and select "Show on My Profile." And if you lot'd rather it not exist visible, cull "Hide from My Profile" instead.

26. Hibernate ads you don't find relevant.

Instagram tries to testify you ads that are interesting and relevant to you. You lot might see ads based on people you follow and things you Like on Instagram, or the third-party websites and apps y'all visit.

If you see sponsored posts you don't find relevant, though, y'all tin permit Instagram know and slowly teach its algorithm what you like and don't like to see.

To hibernate ads on Instagram, tap on the three dots to the correct of a postal service labeled "Sponsored," and choose "Hide This."

hiding a starbucks ad on instagram

From there, it'll ask you to share why you don't want to see the advertisement anymore.


You can as well opt out of seeing ads based on sites and apps off of Instagram and Facebook from your device's settings. Note that fifty-fifty if you choose to opt out of seeing these types of ads, you lot'll nevertheless run into ads based on your Instagram and Facebook activity.

  • To limit advertizing tracking on an iPhone/iPad: Get to "Settings" and choose "Privacy," then "Advertising." From in that location, cull the option to "Limit Advertizing Tracking"

Screen Shot 2020-09-14 at 2.30.43 PM

  • To turn off interest-based ads on Android: Get to "Google Settings," and so "Ads." From at that place, cull the option to "Plough off interest-based ads."

27. Ship photos privately to your friends.

Posting photos with all of your followers or with the public isn't the only way to share content on Instagram. You can also share them with individual or multiple users, kind of like a Facebook bulletin or group text message.

Yous can either transport a new photo to friends, or send a photo that you lot or someone else has already posted.

To send a new photo privately, upload a photo and begin editing it, as you would when editing a new post. When you get to the "Share" page, tap the top where information technology automatically says "New Post," just when prompted, select "Direct Message." From there, you lot can pick and choose whom you'd like to send the photo to.

You lot tin admission your directly messages at any time by clicking the mailbox icon at the top right of your homepage.

To send an existing photo privately, first by opening the post you desire to share — it can be your ain or someone else's, equally long every bit the latter has a public account. Next, click the newspaper-aeroplane-similar icon below the post, and so select who yous want to receive information technology when the "Send to" box appears.

User Search Features

28. Search Instagram users without an business relationship.

As much every bit Instagram would like to encounter you ultimately create an business relationship for yourself or your business, yous can peruse the beautiful brands, people, and dogs that are waiting for y'all without an business relationship to encounter if it's worth signing upwardly.

There are 2 ways to search for people on Instagram without logging in:

Entering a Username at the End of the Instagram URL

The first style to search users without an account is past using an Instagram username you already know, and calculation it to the end of "world wide web.instagram.com/."

For example, if you were to starting time with our Instagram username — which is simply "HubSpot" — you can enter the following into your browser's address bar: www.instagram.com/hubspot. This will bring you to our Instagram profile as well every bit the elusive search bar at the superlative of the folio:

search users without an account

Once you've reached this page, you tin employ the search bar to the left of the "Sign Up" push button to browse users who are already active on the platform.

Googling Them in an Instagram Site Search

A slightly "hackier" way of looking up users without an Instagram account of your own is to simply search their name in a Google site search. This means telling Google to but look up search terms on a website of your choice (in this instance, Instagram).

To site search a user, open up a Google search and type the post-obit: "site:instagram.com [name of user]."

Past keeping all the text prior to the brackets in your search bar, you lot can shuffle through names of people and businesses and Google volition produce results that live merely on Instagram. Here's what a site search looks like for HubSpot, below. As you can meet, Google produces our principal profile, our culture-focused HubSpot Life contour, Instagram posts that include the #hubspot hashtag, and our HubSpot Academy Page.

Google site search for HubSpot, allowing you to search Instagram users without an account

*Bonus Content*

20 Powerful Strategies & Hacks for Increasing Instagram Engagement

Tell us a lilliputian about yourself below to gain access:

29. Upload and browse video content on IGTV.

IGTV is 1 of the biggest new features by Instagram to appointment. This acronym, as you might presume, stands for "Instagram Idiot box," and it'due south basically an Explore page just for users' video content. The main benefits of IGTV? You can upload videos more than 60 seconds long, and you can create your own channel with, maybe, a video serial that tin exist broadcast across other video platforms like YouTube.

browse igtv

Navigate to IGTV past going to your Explore page and selecting "IGTV" at the top, as shown above. A page volition announced featuring topics and videos by some of the virtually prolific IGTV video creators on the platform today.

Equally you view more videos, the topics you see on the IGTV homepage volition begin to adapt to your interests and serve you more content around those interests. And, naturally, the same goes for your target audience.

Create an IGTV channel past tapping the "+" icon to the peak right of your screen, equally shown below:

create an igtv channel

With an IGTV aqueduct created, you can then upload videos direct from your smartphone'due south camera roll to your aqueduct.

30. Await through pictures without accidentally liking them.

It'south pretty easy to learn how to like something on Instagram — so easy, in fact, that people practice it accidentally: It'south just a quick double tap of the photo once you've entered its full view.

The thing is, it's so easy to practice quickly by mistake.

So, hither's a quick Instagram cheat for you: To look through someone's photos without "double-tap paranoia," curl through Instagram feeds with your phone fix to airplane mode. Without internet access, you lot won't be able to Similar a photo, even if you accidentally double-tap it.

The pictures won't load in the get-go identify if you get-go on airplane mode, though. You'll have to go to the feed start to load the posts, then plow on airplane mode, and so starting time scrolling.

When y'all reach the end of the first rows of posts and want to load more, merely plough airplane way off, permit more load, and and so turn it on again. Cumbersome? Maybe a niggling, just it could exist worth the paranoia mitigation.

  • To turn on airplane mode on an iPhone/iPad: Swipe upward from the lesser of the screen and click the airplane icon. Or, go to "Settings" and then "Wi-Fi," and switch "Plane Style" on.
  • To turn on airplane mode on an Android device: Swipe down from the elevation of the screen. Then, swipe from correct to left until you run across "Settings," and then touch it. Bear upon "Aeroplane Mode" to turn it on.

31. Browse posts from certain locations.

One fun thing you can do on Instagram is browse photos and videos from a specific location, or taken near your current location. I like to do that when I'm planning a trip somewhere, or want to check out a new restaurant and whorl through the pictures taken there.

Here's how to do both of these things.

To Browse Posts From at a Specific Location:

You can either search for a specific identify, or you can click into a geotag on an existing photograph.

To search for a specific identify: Tap the magnifying glass icon at the lesser of your dwelling house screen, which will bring y'all to the general search folio. When yous click into the search bar at the top, four tabs will announced. Choose "Places," and type in the proper name of a place. When you press "Search," it'll bear witness y'all all the acme and recent posts that were geotagged with that location.

search for location on ig

specific location on ig To expect at posts with a certain geotag: Become to the photo that'southward geotagged with that location, and click the geotag. Information technology'll testify you all the superlative and recent posts that were geotagged with that location.

geotag fenway park

geotag on ig

Scan Posts Virtually Your Current Location:

Follow the same instructions higher up to become to "Places." Tap the search bar, and select "Almost Current Location."

browse instagram near current location

Choose which geotag you'd like to browse from the options that appear. Let's say I chose to browse posts with the Museum of Science geotag. When I click "Museum of Science, Boston" on the card, I'll come across the tiptop and recent posts that were geotagged at that location.

How to Go Verified on Instagram

A verified badge (the blue check beside a celebrity or brand account name) tells users that you're, in Instagram'southward words, "the accurate presence of a notable public figure, celebrity, global brand or entity it represents".

For instance, in that location are plenty of "Reese Witherspoon" fan pages on Instagram, but at that place's simply one real Reese Witherspoon account, as verified past the blue bluecoat:

verify account reese witherspoon

To request a verified bluecoat, you must exist a public figure, celebrity, or make and run into certain requirements. If you've determined you fit Instagram'south criteria for verification, follow these steps to request a bluecoat:

  1. Go to your profile (the person icon in lesser left corner).
  2. Tap the three lines in the top right corner.
  3. Click "Settings" > "Account" > "Request Verification"
  4. Make full out the class, including username, Total Proper name, Known As, Category, and government-issued phoot ID.
  5. When you've filled out all course fields, click "Ship".

It'southward important to note, you won't necessarily receive a verified bluecoat if you asking one. Learn more than about what happens subsequently you request a verified badge.

Instagram Features & Hacks

I might be biased, merely Instagram is one of the most fun (and visually appealing) social apps around. And now, with these tricks, yous can use it to an even fuller extent.

Plus, many of these features can assistance to enhance your brand's presence on Instagram. Now, you know how to use the app more than efficiently, to make sure yous're only tagged in photos y'all desire to appear on your profile, and have fifty-fifty more than ways to engage with the people by whom y'all'd like to be discovered.

Instagram Hacks

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Originally published Feb 28, 2022 7:00:00 AM, updated February 28 2022