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Parent Letter to Set Up Annual Case Review

Una coleccion de lapices. A collection of pencils.From our serial of model letters…because sometimes
you need to communicate with the school
about your child's didactics.

Updated, March 2017
En español | In Spanish

This brusque publication comes from a much longer Parent's Guide that focuses on communicating with your child's school via letter of the alphabet writing. There are times when you lot, every bit a parent, may desire to communicate in writing with your kid'due south school nearly some problem or business with your kid'due south educational activity or well-being. Considering the Parent'south Guide is and then long, nosotros decided it would be more convenient to our readers if each of the letters discussed in the guide was too available separately, to brand reading and printing individual messages easier.

This page presents a model alphabetic character or e-mail you might write the schoolhouse to request a meeting to review and/or revise your child's IEP.

  • Discussion
  • General alphabetic character-writing tips
  • Model letter


If your child is receiving special education services, he or she must have a written plan known every bit an Individualized Education Programme (IEP). The IEP lists, among other things, annual goals for your kid and the special education services that he or she will receive.

You are a member of the team that writes your child's IEP. Equally an IEP squad member, you lot can enquire that your kid's IEP be reviewed and revised, if needed. This part of the Parent's Guide looks at writing a letter to request that your kid's IEP be reviewed.

Why might I inquire for a review of my child's IEP?

Some reasons for requesting an IEP review include:

  • Your child has met one, or several, of the goals written in the IEP.
  • Your child does not seem to be making plenty progress toward i, or several, of the goals written in IEP.
  • Yous feel your child needs more than services or other services in guild to make progress.
  • You experience that your child no longer needs a service he or she is currently receiving.
  • Your child has experienced a major change, such equally affliction, injury, or surgery.

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General letter of the alphabet-writing tips

When writing any business letter, it is important to keep it short and to the indicate. Kickoff, start by asking yourself the following questions and country the answers in your letter:

  •  Why am I writing?
  • What are my specific concerns?
  • What are my questions?
  • What would I like the person to do about this situation?
  • What sort of response do I want: a letter, a meeting, a phone call, or something else?

Each letter you write should include the post-obit basic data:

  • Put the engagement on your letter.
  • Requite your child's total name and the name of your child'south main teacher or electric current grade placement.
  • Say what y'all want, rather than what you don't want. Keep it simple.
  • Requite your address and a daytime phone number where you can be reached.
  • E'er finish your letter with a "thank you."

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 What are some other tips to keep in mind?

Yous desire to make a good impression then that the person reading your letter volition understand your request and say "yes." Remember, this person may non know you lot, your child, or your kid'due south situation. Keep the tone of your letter pleasant and businesslike. Give the facts without letting anger, frustration, blame, or other negative emotions creep in. Some letter-writing tips include:

  • Afterward you write your kickoff typhoon, put the letter aside for a mean solar day or two. And so look at information technology once more and revise it with fresh optics.
  • Read your letter as though you are the person receiving it. Is your request clear? Have you included the important facts? Does your alphabetic character ramble on and on? Is it likely to offend, or is the tone businesslike?
  • Take someone else read your letter for you lot. Is your reason for writing clear? Can the reader tell what you are asking for? Would the reader say "yes" if he or she received this letter? Tin your alphabetic character be improved?
  • Use spell cheque and grammar bank check on the calculator. Or ask someone reliable to edit your letter before you send information technology.
  • Go along a copy for your records.

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Model Alphabetic character

Today's Date (include calendar month, solar day, and yr)

Your Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Daytime telephone number

Proper name of Your Child's Teacher
Proper noun of School
Street Accost
Metropolis, Country, Zip Lawmaking

Love (Teacher'southward name),

I am writing to request an IEP review meeting. I would like to discuss making some changes in (child's name)'s IEP. I am concerned most (state your reasons, but don't go into particular most the specific changes you desire to make—save those for the meeting).

I would as well like to have (names of specialists or other staff) nourish. I remember his/her/their ideas about the changes nosotros may need to make will be valuable.

I tin can adapt to meet with yous and the other members of the IEP team on (days) betwixt (give a range of time, such as between 2:00 and 4:00). Please let me know what time would be best for yous.

I look forward to hearing from y'all shortly. My daytime telephone number is (requite your telephone number). Thanks for your assistance.


Your proper noun

cc: specialists or other staff

Note:  The "cc:" at the bottom of the letter means you are sending a copy of your alphabetic character to the people listed after the cc.

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Would yous similar to read another letter?

Discussing a problem

Requesting a copy of your child'south records

Requesting an evaluation for special education services

Requesting an independent evaluation

Requesting a coming together to review your child'due south Individualized Education Program (IEP)
(you're already hither)

Requesting a change in your child's placement

Informing the schoolhouse that yous intend to identify your kid in a private schoolhouse at public expense
http://world wide

Requesting prior written detect

Requesting arbitration to resolve a conflict

Requesting a due process hearing to resolve a conflict

Filing a complaint with the Land to resolve a conflict

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